Feedback Form

We need to hear about your experiences with the emergencySMS service so we can develop the service. If you use the emergencySMS service and want to give us a feedback, or you have a problem, or just want to ask a question please fill in the form below and click Send below. We aim to respond to your feedback or problem within 3 working days.

Please don't use this form to contact the emergency services.

All fields marked with * are required.

If we need to contact you which method would you preferred we use?

Textphone Call
Voice Call

Is this a feedback, a question or have you had a problem?

  verification image, type it in the box

Please note: To help us fix problems or discuss your feedback we might send you an SMS message from 0791 591 8174 please reply to that number and not 999.

BSL Video – Feedback form(29sec)

Please note: There is no sound on this video